Since 2005, Istanbul has been pedestrianizing select areas on the city’s Historic Peninsula. According to Assessment of the Air Quality Effects of Pedestrianization on Istanbul’s Historic Peninsula by EMBARQ team in Turkey, these measures have significantly improved air quality in the region.

This paper from 2013 Lee Schipper Scholar Sudhir Gota investigates whether the road transport sector in India is showing signs of decoupling of energy consumption with travel demand, or if there are inconsistencies in the official estimates that do not reflect realities on the ground.

Istanbul's Historic Peninsula, listed as a UNESCO World Heritage site, has been compromised by rapid and uncontrolled urban growth. In order to restore public space and revitalize the city center, Istanbul pedestrianized over 250 streets between 2010 and 2012.

Traffic safety improvements are an often-overlooked benefit of sustainable transport projects and policies.

Commuters can save millions of hours of travel time by shifting to bus rapid transit (BRT) systems finds this new analysis of four iconic cities - Bogotá, Mexico City, Johannesburg and Istanbul by EMBARQ.

EMBARQ’s Sustainable Urban Transportation Fuels and Vehicles (SUTFV) program aims to take an unbiased approach to analyzing the impacts of different fuels and technologies for bus transit fleets.

EMBARQ is developing design guidelines for road safety on Bus Rapid Transit corridors in Indian cities. The focus of these guidelines is on road safety, with special consideration towards local accessibility and road traffic capacity.

This report provides principles to foster effective decision making in national mass transit investment programs.

In an attempt to give public transport a competitive edge, EMBARQ released a report on marketing and branding public transport. The reports aims to help guide cities and public transit agencies in making mass transit a competitive and desirable alternative to private vehicles.

EMBARQ India has been working with the city of Indore, India since 2008 to improve the quality of city bus services.
