AURANGABAD: Drinking water samples taken from nine talukas in the district put nine of the 858 gram panchayats (GP) under the red zone category, which means that these GPs failed to provide clean a

DIPAYAL: Coliform, a cholera virus, was detected in drinking water supplied to districts in remote far-west.

Docs Report Sharp Hike In Food & Water-Borne Diseases

Around 59.5 per cent of the population of Berhampur is compelled to opt for open air defecation, which has become a major health hazard.

Members of ‘Children’s Federation’, an organisation of children living in slums of the city, demanded that the Berhampur Municipal Corporation (BMC) and administration should initiate measures so that Berhampur could become the first open air defecation free city of Odisha.

While an antibiotics policy is on the anvil for the three major municipal hospitals in Mumbai, the majority of private hospitals, nursing homes and standalone consultants here continue to prescribe

The ‘Health of the Nation’ report compiled by the Pakistan Medical Association shows that the health indicators in Pakistan have not improved during the last many years and in some areas the situat

People in the country are at high risk of gastroenteritis, cholera, diarrhoea, dysentery, hepatitis A and E, typhoid, acute respiratory infection (ARI) as well as Blue Baby Syndrome, as safe drinki

Days after eleven-year-old Ashima Sharma, a student of Moti Ram Sharma School, died of typhoid on February 3, 40 other cases have been reported so far from her housing society.

The Health Department has cautioned the public against an outbreak of waterborne diseases in the district.

District Medical Officer Neeta Vijayan said in a release here on Saturday that people should be alert against waterborne diseases such as jaundice, diarrhoea, and typhoid.

Water is considered essential for life.
