A broad coalition of nations including India, river basin organisations, busi ness and civil societies from across the globe on Wednes day announced the Paris Pact on Water and Climate Change Adapt

India today asked the developed world to 'walk the talk' and honour its pre-2020 commitments in the fight against climate change and joined Brazil, China and South Africa in seeking a clear roadmap

PARIS: A broad coalition of nations including India, river basin organizations, business and civil societies from across the globe on Wednesday announced Paris Pact on Water and Climate Change Adap

India submitted its first Biennial Update Report (BUR), to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), towards fulfillment of the reporting obligation under the Convention. As per the provisions of the Convention, countries need to periodically provide information in the form of their National Communication.

The post-2020 international climate regime will require all countries to significantly scale up their efforts to reduce emissions, while at the same time increasing their resilience to the impacts of climate change.

The impact of collective nationally determined contributions submitted by countries in the run up to Paris Climate Change meet will be insufficient to limit global warming to 2 degrees Celsius, an

A new paper discusses the current and potential interaction between nationally appropriate mitigation actions (NAMAs) and intended nationally determined contributions (INDCs).

PM Modi is touted to seek a grand alliance among 122 nations to pursue solar energy tomorrow

The sixth UNEP Emissions Gap Report provides a scientific assessment of the impacts of the submitted Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs) on anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases.

Leaders must come together on a solid agreement at the United Nations climate conference — and then get to work at home by meeting commitments and finding new ways to reduce emissions. (Editorial)

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