Emphasizing on the need to develop affordable renewable energy, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday urged the G-20 nations to increase the research and development activities to fulfil the globa
The Global Forest Coalition (GFC) launched a new briefing paper, providing a critical overview of the problem of current carbon accounting rules in the land use and forests sector, under the acronym LULUCF. These are creating loopholes for real emission cuts and will undermine any new climate agreement.
Homes belonging to more than half a billion people could be submerged by rising sea levels if the current rate of global warming continues, scientists have said.
India expects the upcoming Paris conference to reach an accord that does not hold all countries "equally" accountable for the present state of climate change and seeks more steps for tackling it fr
The collective action plans of more than 140 major businesses could deliver two thirds of the carbon reductions need to limit global warming to two degrees, according to new analysis from PWC.
A new website - http://www.ncdmaindia.gov.in has been launched by the National Clean Development Mechanism Authority (NCDMA) in the Ministry of Environmen
Beyond the emissions pledges made by different countries, a cornerstone for ensuring the effectiveness of the 2015 international climate change agreement will be the mechanisms in place to hold states to account for how they live up to their commitments.
The analysis presented here considers whether the INDCs that were submitted by 23 October 2015 are consistent with a reasonable chance of not exceeding the 2°C warming limit.
This document presents a synthesis report on the aggregate effect of the 119 intended nationally determined contributions (INDCs) communicated by 147 Parties by 1 October 2015. It provides estimates of the aggregate greenhouse gas emission levels in 2025 and 2030 resulting from the implementation of those INDCs.