The African Development Bank announced its accreditation on Wednesday, March 9 as a multilateral implementing entity and intermediary to the Green Climate Fund (GCF), further enabling it to scale-u

This document presents a synthesis of the challenges and lessons learned from the preparation process of intended nationally determined contributions (INDCs) by Parties to the UNFCCC in the run up to Paris.

A little more than a month ago, the Indian government unveiled a grand campaign to spur innovation among startups.

Global aviation experts agreed on Monday to the world’s first carbon dioxide emissions standards for new and existing aircraft programs, in a deal that environmental groups said does not go far eno

Ministry of Natural Resources Energy and Mining Department of Climate Change and Meteorological Services alongside Department of Disaster Management Affairs have taken a new approach in Managing Cl

CO2 dominates the total GHG emissions and the energy sector comprising of electricity production, manufacturing industries, transport sector and fugitive emissions generates the maximum CO2 in the

The International Solar Alliance (ISA) headquarters in Gurgaon will be a new beginning for solar power development in the country, the government said on Thursday.

As long as global CO2 emissions continue to increase annually, long-term committed Earth system changes grow much faster than current observations. A novel metric linking this future growth to policy decisions today is the mitigation delay sensitivity (MDS), but MDS estimates for Earth system variables other than peak temperature (ΔT max) are missing.

NEW DELHI: The government is mulling to bring big hydropower plants under the ambit of renewable energy, giving the capital-intensive projects access to international funds and benefits available t

MUMBAI: A total of 92 per cent Indians polled by independent market research company Ipsos view global warming and climate change as major threats.
