Across Asia, cities are contending with a wide range of food-related issues but most lack a dedicated or coherent set of food policies. For most cities in Asia, food has been a policy and governance blind spot, while national food policy has distinctly lacked an urban perspective.

This report sets the stage to explore the mandate and capacities of National Development Banks in accelerating financing for local governments’ climate-smart urban infrastructure. Infrastructure financing needs have been estimated at USD 4.1-4.3 trillion per year from 2015 to 2030.

The compounding effects of climate change will drive migration flows over the coming decades. Migration and climate change both transcend city boundaries and influence not only cities’ but also regional, national and international resilience.

In past 5 years since the last report on inventorisation of STPs was released in 2015, substantial sewage treatment capacities have been added. However, still a vast gap remains in sewage generation and treatment capacities.

This Report provides an overview of the technical and design considerations of water-sensitive technologies for urban informal settlements with a core design goal to reduce exposure of residents to faecal contamination.

This report provides more detailed information and guidance on how to design and deliver a community-based, participatory process for project implementation.

The Municipal Performance Index (MPI) was launched as an accompaniment to the Ease of Living Index. It seeks to examine local government practice in municipalities across areas of services, finance, policy, technology and governance.

The rankings under Ease of Living Index 2020 were announced for cities with a population of more than a million, and cities with less than a million people. 111 cities participated in the assessment exercise that was conducted in 2020.

This brief examines access to clean cooking energy, specifically across urban slum households in six Indian states - Bihar, Jharkhand, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, and Chhattisgarh. Urban slums suffer from the double burden of pollution.

The climate in Somalia is projected to become drier, warmer, more erratic, and more extreme than in recent decades and thus less favourable to crop, livestock, fisheries, and forestry-based livelihood systems.
