aids may soon become curable. Scientists will put on trial in India, a potential AIDS vaccine made from a modified Vaccinia Ankara formulation. Incidentally, Vaccinia Ankara is a harmless version of

A dose of oral polio vaccine can revert into the disease causing virus

The Supreme Court recently asked the Union government to consider banning the production of anti-rabies vaccine from sheep. The court highlighted allegations that patients administered such vaccines

A vaccine effective against human papillomaviruses (HPV), which are thought responsible for most cases of cervical and anal cancers, enters clinical trials in Japan this month.

Cellular attack against the virus works

Private funding has given a new meaning to scientific research today. With rising corporate research budgets, academic institutions are leaning more on industry sponsorship and less on government or charitable foundations. A major fallout of this alliance

HIV evades vaccine by mutating

More virulent form of diseases could be the future babies of ineffective medicines

Vaccines and tight controls on livestock movement would be used by Zimbabwe to combat an outbreak of the foot-and-mouth disease. "Instead of slaughtering the cattle, we will set up a taskforce

at least 200 horses died during 1999-2000 at the King Institute of Preventive Medicine, Chennai, because of non-adherence to any scientific protocol for production of anti-snake venom serum (
