The scale of the world’s current micro plastics pollution problem can’t be overstated. Plastics, and more importantly their nearly invisible half-broken-down remnants, are now everywhere.

Physical forcing of cyclonic phenomenon on water quality often exerts stress on marine and estuarine ecosystems due to their unpredictability. The post-cyclonic changes in phytoplankton biomass have been reported in the Bay of Bengal. In addition, cyclones also intensify physical processes resulting in entrainment of nutrient-rich water from deeper depths into surface leading to regional phytoplankton blooms.

Original Source

Tiny pieces of plastic have been found in drinking water on five continents - from Trump Tower in New York to a public tap on the shores of Lake Victoria in Uganda - posing a potential risk to peop

Asia is home to a worsening water pollution crisis thanks to an accelerating but weakly regulated industrial boom, but its most vulnerable citizens are kept in the dark about whether the water they

GOVERNMNET says the newly-commissioned water supply improvement project in Misisi township in Lusaka Province will provide clean drinking water to over 30,000 residents.

Harare – Zimbabwe continues to prioritise its citizen’s health as evidenced by the increase in access to improved sources of water and sanitation in the rural areas.

Nations must pour up to US$150 billion a year into efforts to deliver safe and clean water for all, or risk an economic crisis due to the healthcare and development impacts of people drinking filth

Kalangala — Communities living in Kalangala District stand a greater risk of contracting waterborne diseases arising from the increasing consumption of unsafe water and poor sanitation.

The Central Water Commission in its capacity as an premiere technical organisation in the field of water resources development endeavours the gigantic task of collection and compilation of Water Quality data incorporating the quality and quantity of available waters in various basins of the country.

Every day, rivers streams and their tributaries passing through cities are receiving large amount of contaminants released from different point and nonpoint sources and have become important sink for unused waste load. Water is indispensable to life on earth. It is a precious gift of nature which is essential for the survival of plants, animals and human beings. Present investigations were carried out on the limnological aspects of Bagad river of U.P. Many of the parameters were found below the permissible limits for drinking water as suggested by WHO.
