JOHANNESBURG – An unprecedented discovery of a freshwater resource has been found in Beaufort West, Western Cape, the Department of Mineral Resources said on Tuesday.

Harare City Council has urged residents to avoid drinking borehole water as it may be contaminated. This came out at last week's full council meeting.

The presence of diarrhoeagenic bacteria such as Escherichia coli in drinking water indicates faecal and sewage contamination. Testing the microbial quality of drinking water at source (n = 29) and households (n = 43) of 29 peri-urban villages of Bengaluru city, indicated that 80% and 93% of samples respectively were unfit for human consumption as per WHO standards, i.e. nil E. coli in 100 ml sample. This also indicated that water gets contaminated further at the point-of-use when compared to the source.

(KRPC), 16km away from Kaduna, capital of Kaduna State in North-west Nigeria. It is a sparsely populated multilingual community.

Mwanza — The Mwanza Urban Water Supply and Sanitation Authority (Mwauwasa) is expected to end the water shortage in the region.

Objective of the project is to create a database on water bodies in Bengaluru Metropolitan Area (Jurisdiction of BBMP and BDA) by identifying the water bodies through physical verification; assessing the water quality class, based on the water quality analysis; to prepare the water body database and to prepare the lake atlas with manual cartogra

Concern has been growing in recent years regarding the potential impact of climate change on Pakistan’s already stressed water resources.

The 21st century will witness the collision of two powerful forces – burgeoning population growth, together with a changing climate. With population growth, water scarcity will proliferate to new areas across the globe. And with climate change, rainfall will become more fickle, with longer and deeper periods of droughts and deluges.

Order of the National Green Tribunal (Eastern Zone Bench, Kolkata) in the matter of Ambar Nath Sengupta Vs State of West Bengal & Others dated 06/10/2017 regarding pollution of river Hooghly after immersion of idols during various Puja festivals. Further direction has been sought for against the WBSPCB to constitute a committee to conduct a scientific study to assess the impact of Plaster of Paris (in short, PoP), a powder used for making idols, on its potential to cause pollution of water and to suggest remedies therefor.

This report presents a guideline in support of the indicator method for Target 6.6.1 (GEMI 2017), titled “Step-by-step monitoring methodology for SDG indicator 6.6.1”.
