CWC is monitoring water quality at 429 stations spread all over India covering major river basins. The water quality data collected by CWC from the year 2012-13 to 2016-17 was analysed to find out the organic pollution in the rivers of India at various places.

BANGKOK, Aug 30 (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - In Mongolia, herders living outside the capital Ulaanbaatar, near the Tuul River, fear deteriorating water quality is making their livestock sick.

The World Bank has said countries need to quadruple spending to $150 billion a year to deliver universal safe water and sanitation, helping to reduce childhood disease and deaths while boosting eco

Encouraging global action to support clean water and sanitation, United Nations General Assembly President Peter Thomson today underscored that when it comes to the environment, everything is conne

This executive summary of the FAO report, briefly reviews the “unsustainable trajectory followed by agri-food systems” and draws attention to “hotspots where crop production, livestock and aquaculture may be the key contributors to the degradation of water quality.”

Global shifts in water and sanitation will have a profound effect on societies and economies. Other transformations are shaping these shifts, including where people live, what they expect from governments and markets, their productive and polluting activities, how they innovate and whether they pursue conflict or peace.

SHANGHAI (Reuters) - China launched nearly 8,000 water clean-up projects in the first half of 2017 with projected total investment of 667.4 billion yuan ($100 billion), the environment ministry sai

The World Bank has published a report titled, ‘The Rising Tide: A New Look at Water and Gender,’ which characterizes water as “an asset, a service and a space” and illustrates how water can “reflect and even reinforce” gender inequality.

This report aims to highlight some existing sanitation system alternatives (e.g.

Worsened by Poor Water Infrastructure New DRC Cholera Outbreak Claims Mostly Children
