Enable Block: 

The book looks at the value of water as a basic need instead of valuing water in terms of productivity in agriculture and industry, or in terms of the costs of supply. It examines water in the

A total of 2.4 billion people across the world do not have any access

The use of water which is the most important and scarce resource, needs to be guided by national perspective for sustainability. In an effort to develop, conserve, utilize and manage this vital

the Inter-State Water Disputes Act, 1956, which provides for adjudication of disputes relating to waters of inter-state rivers and river valleys, will soon be amended to incorporate the

the United Arab Emirates ( uae ) is the world's biggest consumer of natural resources, states a report of the World Wide Fund for Nature ( wwf ). Singapore and usa are the second

farmers of Andhra Pradesh have been directed not to cultivate a second crop of rice during the winter season because of low levels of water at the Srisailam and Nagarjunasagar reservoirs of the

The Indian pulp and paper industry reacts positively to the first Green Rating Project conducted by Centre for Science and Environment

Amid private companies high tech solutions to the water crisis, CSE presents a decentralised view of water management

A man made lake will flood dozens of recently unearthed mosaics, from the once glorious Roman town of Zeugma. The city that stood here 2,000 years ago, Zeugma, was at the eastern edge of the Roman

The focus is on development of hydropower, industries and food production: how sustainably can the targets be achieved?
