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Drought-proofing is a far cry. The drought of 2001 in 11 states of India is likely to go down as one of the worst in the past century. Government drought relief schemes fail due to bad planning and corruption. It can"t even provide short-term relief to th

The government’s drought relief programmes are bound to fail in the long run. Even the Planning Commission acknowledges that funds for the drought relief is becoming illegal income for officials, politicians and contractors

Employment Guarantee Scheme, first of its kind drought relief scheme has had no impact on the drought-prone areas of Maharashtra in almost 30 years because it has failed to involve people in managing rural assets

Revisits by Down To Earth reporters to villages that undertook water harvesting offer some valuable lessons in drought management

The need of the hour is to decentralise drought management and think long term

Very little scientific literature is available on the chiru (Tibetan antelope, Pantholops hodgsoni ). Most articles about the animal, if not all, are based on the research conducted by George

A proposal to give remuneration to scientists and engineers in accordance with their work

fifty of the 69 rivers in Europe have poor ecological quality and most European countries have inadequate environmental monitoring systems, a new report states. Water and Wetland Index by

Almost 3,000 tonnes of dangerous pesticides stored at nearly 1,000 sites around Ethiopia are threatening the health of millions of people and contaminating the soil and water resources. "These

Ground water levels in Kathmandu , Nepal's capital , are falling because of increasing industrialisation and urbanisation.This was stated in the State of Environment Nepal 2001report , which has been
