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This paper analyses levels of women's malnutrition in India over the seven years between 1998-99 and 2005-06, based on the National Family Health Survey. During a period of higher growth and a reasonable pace of reduction in poverty, malnutrition especially iron-deficiency anaemia has increased among women from disadvantaged social and economic groups. The adverse influence of maternal malnutrition extends beyond maternal mortality to causing intrauterine growth retardation, child malnutrition and an increasing prevalence of chronic diseases.

Some women in countries where abortion is restricted are using the Internet to buy medication enabling them to abort a pregnancy at home, according to a bbc report. The report says that women in more than 70 countries where abortion is illegal have used the services of the website The site posts the drugs only to countries where abortion is heavily restricted,

This paper presents new evidence on the links between public infrastructure provisioning and time allocation related to the water sector in India. Using time-use data, the analysis reveals that worsening public infrastructure affects market work with evident gender differentials. The results also suggest that the access to public infrastructure can lead to substitution effects in time allocation between unpaid work and market work.

This report takes stock of past experience and demonstrates that there are many opportunities to invest in non-timber forest products in support of rural livelihoods and to promote better methods of enabling poor rural people, and especially women, to benefit from the sector.

This UNDP study focuses on the situation of land rights and ownership in Orissa. Provides concrete suggestions to improve access of the poor to land and highlights the need to arrest processes that are promoting land alienation.

Mobile phone industry thwarts radiation guidelines India has adopted the limits on electromagnetic radiation from mobile phones and base stations set by the International Commission for Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (icnirp), but still not adopted guidelines for regulation. According to an official in the Department of Telecommunications, the delay is because the telecom industry

besides treating cold and constipation, the medicinal plant reetha is used as a contraceptive, called consap, for women. A study has now attributed another property to this contraceptive. Consap has been found effective against trichomoniasis, a protozoal disease that affects that genitourinary tract. Researchers at Central Drug Research Institute, Lucknow, who developed Consap from soap nut or

Cancer survival rate varies widely between countries, according to a worldwide study of the cancers of the breast (women), colon, rectum and prostate.
The five-year survival rate for prostate cancer is the highest in the United States as compared to any of the 31 countries studied as part of the study published in Lancet Oncology. However, in the US, cancer survival in black men and women is systematically and substantially lower than in white men and women.

The burning of biomass fuels results in exposure to high levels of indoor air pollution, with consequent health effects. Possible interventions to reduce the exposure include changing cooking practices and introduction of smoke-free stoves supported by health education. Social, cultural and financial constraints are major challenges to implementation and success of interventions.
