Garbage floating in the oceans could pose a threat to marine life. One such site is a remote group of islands in the Indian ocean, 1,500 km southwest of Jakarta, Indonesia, where the population of

Epidemiological studies on asthma in India have been few and far between. Two landmark pilot

a rather innocuous looking sponge could actually pack a lot of arsenal against cancer cells proliferating in human body, researchers have found. A deep water sponge, Discodermia dissoluta

The Global Water Partnership (gwp) was launched with the first consultative group meeting held in Stockholm on August 9 this year. The idea of the gwp was conceived at the fifth Stockholm Water

Water in acid lakes formed after the abandonment of mining activities can now be treated with a technique that manipulates the properties of iron based heavy metal contaminants called ferrites

the first ever

Africa apparently has become the new-found interest for Japs, who are quietly targeting their overseas development assistance (ODA) towards helping African nations create a strong base for science

Scientists can now effectively trace the routes taken by peregrine falcons on their lengthy autumnal trips. Satellite transmitters are helping researchers follow them to their winter hide outs

German researchers have hit upon a novel technique that converts waste plastics into multiple gains for steel industry

at long last, the Pentagon has acknow
