green activists are up in arms against the ongoing work on the Kaiga atomic power plant in Karnataka. They have stalled work on the project's transmission line which cuts through the Western Ghats,

Communication is vital to aerial fire fighting. A project in the US aims at making it easier for pilots with the help of the advanced navigation display system

Three officials of the Marcopper Mining Corporation in the Philippines have been named in a criminal prosecution launched by the Philippine government last month. The officials have been accused of

Microwaves can not only pave a path into orbit for spaceships but also make a trip to the moon an affordable reality

Medical workers in the US have filed lawsuits in nearly 30 state and federal courts against the makers of latex gloves. They are claiming that the companies should be held accountable for the

Shake a few bits of silicon in a petri dish containing water and lo, you have a three dimensional structure!

Henceforth, all cases relating to pollution pending with the Supreme Court of India, will be dealt by the high courts of the respective states. This was decided by the apex court in a ruling given

Now conferencing can be a lot brighter and lighter with the help of a new device that does away with dark rooms and bulks of paper

India continued to play hard to get at the just concluded Conference on Disarmament (CD) in Geneva. Its stance that the comprehensive test ban treaty (CTBT) does not impress upon the nuclear powers

A choice of imagesApplet is the term used for the latest novelty to hit the Internet. Applets are small programmes that can be quickly transmitted to a personal computer (PC). They
