This handbook seeks to provide a comprehensive and cohesive perspective on the major International Environmental Agreements to which India is a party, along with India’s position and role in impleme

This manual deals with various aspects of investigation techniques for selection of sites, planning and design of artificial recharge structures, their economic evaluation, monitoring and technical au

Scientists around the globe have been warning about the risk of a potential pandemic influenza outbreak. Pandemic flu is caused by a new, severe strain of the flu virus capable of producing severe disease and spreading rapidly person-to-person worldwide. Unlike the seasonal flu, a pandemic flu virus poses a novel threat since humans would have no previously developed immunity against this new virus strain, putting most people at high risk for infection. This could result in a large percentage of the world’s population being infected by a rapidly spreading virus in a very short period of time.

Human-leopard conflict is a complex issue influenced by political
and social attitudes, the biology of the species, and management
action. Effective management of conflict will have to strike a
balance between minimizing serious conflict (attacks on people)
and the long-term conservation of the leopard species. Although
the leopard is commoner and more resilient than other large cat
species that occur in India, it is poached in the largest numbers to meet the demand of the illegal wildlife trade. The leopard is very adaptable, and can live close to human habitations.

This study aims to stimulate discussion on the elements of appropriate national legal frameworks for bioenergy, particularly in developing countries.

The publication describes world trade trends,and focusing on trade in merchandise and trade in commercial services.

This Act may be called the Land Acquisition (Amendment) Act, 2007.

This report highlights the incompatibility between continued rapid growth in the global economy and the sustainability of the environment with global warming presenting an increasing threat to future living standards. In the first part of the report focus on climate change and the response of governments and companies. The second part contains results and analysis of data collected as part of the IBR survey, identifying the attitudes of privately held businesses towards global warming and what action they are taking to limit the effects.

This report brings together a wide range of water-related issues, problems, and challenges from a future-oriented, multi-disciplinary, and multisectoral perspective from around the Asia and Pacific region. Highlighted are important topics that have been neglected or are being inadequately considered in most countries of the region.

Australia’s overseas development aid assistance is set to increase substantially over the next four years. This much welcomed increase could be stretched in multiple directions to satisfy multiple needs. This paper is a contribution to the debate on how best to direct Australia’s investments to meet the objective of reducing poverty and achieving sustainable development. The paper suggests that a focus on domestic water and sanitation is critical and will contribute significantly to poverty reduction in the region.
