This publication, the main report of the forestry outlook study of West and Central Asia, provides a long-term perspective of changes in the forest sector. Implemented in partnership with the countries, the study covered 23 countries in West Asia, Central Asia and the southern Caucasus. This report outlines the probable developments, including broader regional and global issues that need to be taken into account in developing national policies and programmes. It then discusses what needs to be done to enhance the contribution of forests and trees to society. It focuses particularly on probable development scenarios, their implications for society in terms of availability of goods and services, and the priorities and strategies that may be pursued to improve the situation.

UNFCCC fact sheet on 1990-2005 emission trends.

Climate change is characterized by long time horizons, spanning hundreds of years. The impacts of climate change will be felt in a world that is different from the one that exists today. It is essential to know how the economy and society will change over the coming century, and how this will alter the impacts of and adaptation to climate change. Consequently, the process of climate change impact assessment must incorporate the changes wrought by the driving forces of population growth, economic development, and technological changes.

Scientists have been warning about the danger from global warming for almost 20 years and our national and international governance systems have failed to deliver policies to effectively address this planetary emergency. After reviewing the reasons of the failure of our political, social and economic systems to make an effective response, this paper discusses why it is critical that we limit average global warming to less than 2

National Sample Survey Organisation (NSSO) conducted an integrated survey of households and unorganised manufacturing enterprises in the 62nd round of NSS during July 2005 - June 2006. The subjects covered were household consumer expenditure, employment and unemployment and unorganised manufacturing enterprises. The present report is the first one in a series of three reports to be brought out based on the survey on unorganised manufacturing enterprises. Apart from information on estimated number of enterprises and number of workers, the report provides the information on operational

This report examines the progress that has been made to improving America’s ability to respond to health threats and help identify ongoing areas of vulnerability.

This study presents information on fire in greater depth than was possible in FRA 2005, including its incidence, impact and management in different regions of the world. It recognizes that not all fires ware destructive and that fire management is an essential part of sustainable forest management. Indeed, some ecosystems require fire to induce regeneration and to maintain or enhance biodiversity, agricultural productivity and the carrying capacity of pastoral systems. The study also finds that people are the overwhelming cause of fires in every region, for a wide range of reasons.

This manual starts out with a clear exposé of the contextual issues surrounding the water and sanitation crisis in many countries of the world, encompassing legal foundations, entitlements, responsib

This study on bamboo was developed by FAO and INBAR jointly in the framework of FAO’s Global Forest Resources Assessment 2005 (FRA 2005), with the aim of filling the gap in global information and providing a first, comprehensive assessment of the world’s bamboo resources.

This paper documents the main findings of a study on food insecurity and vulnerability in the Indian state of Orissa in support of promoting interventions for food security and livelihoods at state level. The paper analyses the main characteristics and causes of food insecurity and vulnerability. It seeks to identify who are vulnerable and food insecure and where they are, why they risk food insecurity and what options exist to reduce their vulnerability. Using the sustainable livelihoods framework and collecting qualitative and quantitative data from four selected districts, the paper looks at six livelihood groups, notably marginal and small scale farming households, labouring rural households, mining worker households, rural artisan households, fishing households and scheduled tribal households.
