A global carbon market has evolved in the wake of negotiations for the United Nations Kyoto Protocol. A number of distinct markets are encompassed within its remit, including a voluntary retail arm. Although the voluntary retail market is very small in comparison to other segments, it has large growth potential as it can extend to countries, customer groups and technologies not embraced by the existing compliance regime.

This MIT study examines the role of coal as an energy source in a world where constraints on carbon emissions are adopted to mitigate global warming. The study’s particular emphasis is to compare the performance and cost of different coal combustion technologies when combined with an integrated system for CO2 capture and sequestration.

The purpose of this study is to examine the national security consequences of climate change. The specific questions addressed in this report are: What conditions are climate changes likely to produce around the world that would represent security risks to the United States?; What are the ways in which these conditions may affect America’s national security interests?; What actions should the nation take to address the national security consequences of climate change?

The large agrarian population of West Bengal drink groundwater with arsenic content anywhere between 0.05 and 3.7 mg/L. Greater than 44% of this population suffers from arsenic related diseases like conjunctivitis, melanosis, hyperkeratosis, and hyper pigmentation. In certain areas gangrene in the limb, malignant neoplasm and even skin

The report looks at the circumstances in which the GATT was born and goes on to explain why governments believe it is in their interests to cooperate on trade matters.

The German Advisory Council on Global Change (WBGU) is convinced that a new climate policy dynamic is required worldwide. Currently, all eyes are on Germany: its Presidency of the Council of the European Union and Presidency of G8 offer a dual opportunity to drive climate protection forward. The Council‘s core messages are as follows: climate protection is both worthwhile and feasible, further development of the UN climate convention, making the most of the G8 Summit at Heiligendamm, and reaffirming the European Union‘s leading role.

Orissa is an agrarian State. Almost two third of its total work force depend on agriculture for employment and sustenance.

This new report from EurObserver is being published at a time when the whole world is looking for solutions to the challenges of climate change, energy supply security and competitiveness.

Surface and groundwater that cross international boundaries present increased challenges to regional stability because hydrologic needs can often be overwhelmed by political considerations. While the potential for paralyzing disputes is especially high in these basins, history shows that water can catalyze dialogue and cooperation, even between especially contentious riparians. There are 263 rivers around the world that cross the boundaries of two or more nations, and untold number of international groundwater aquifers. In order to understand the long term implications of transboundary water management, and the potential for future conflict and cooperation, it is critical to assess what the indicators and triggers are of such processes currently, then evaluate their prospects for the future.

This analysis provides us greater insight into an adaptation-led strategy to reduce climate change risk and increasing urban resilience in keeping with India’s development and priorities challenges. This attempts shifts the emphasis away from a largely mitigation and techo-centric response that has come to dominate the climate crisis discourse emanating largely from OECD countries. This may provide a window of opportunity for countries like India to chart a more independent traverse to a more sustainable future.
