A recent international conference on climate change and sustainable agriculture in New Delhi brought forth the shocking realisation that there are no conclusive studies in India on the prospective impact of climate change on the agriculture sector including livestock and fisheries.

Much of the country's understanding comes from global data provided by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the World Meteorological Organisation and other world bodies.

Farm technologies are not reaching farmers on the ground, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh observed here on Monday and said “it represents the failure of the system.”

India agrees to repair Kosi embankment within Nepal

India and Nepal have agreed to speed up the setting up of a Pancheshwar Development Authority that will oversee the implementation of the 6,000 MW Pancheshwar multi-purpose project on the border.

India, Nepal to discuss setting up of Development Authority

In a major step forward to break the deadlock over construction of the multipurpose 6000-MW Pancheshwar dam on the Sarada river (Mahakali in Nepal) on the border, New Delhi and Kathmandu will discuss the logistics of setting up a Pancheshwar Development Authority at the first meeting of the Joint Ministerial Commission on Water Resources here on Wednesday.

India on Monday reinforced its commitment to controlling the contagious “foot and mouth disease'' (FMD) in cattle as a crucial measure to enhance productivity of the livestock.

The impact of climate change needs to be factored in development programmes so as to tackle the long-term requirement of mitigation and adaptation. This was highlighted at an international conference on Climate Change, Sustainable Agriculture and Public Leadership here on Tuesday.

Underscoring the need for adopting a multidimensional strategy, Minister of State for Agriculture Harish Rawat appealed to agriculture scientists to document the indigenous wisdom of Indian farmers who had been adapting to climatic variability over the centuries.

Observed changes in rainfall patterns and increased temperatures, particularly in the North-Eastern region, are the major projections on which Indian agriculture scientists are pegging their “mitig

An integrated approach to supply and demand side water management is the best response to water stress and climate change, experts from Australia and India pointed out at a panel discussion here on Wednesday.

With the success story of integrated approach in the Murray-Darling basin, the Australian experience in water management is seen as a natural area of collaboration with India.

India has declared itself free from bird flu (Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza).

In the second term of the United Progressive Alliance, the Food Ministry has been totally consumed with the drafting of the Bill which has been routed through the National Advisory Council, the Prime Minister's Economic Advisory Council and the Empowered Group of Ministers on Food.
