The State of Maharashtra has been a pioneer in implementing fiscal instruments to address air pollution and climate change related issues. In the process, the State has also generated significant revenues that were supposed to be utilized towards vehicular pollution management, and promotion of renewable energy and energy efficiency measures.

This paper examines the feasibility of implementing a congestion tax for the city of Chennai in the State of Tamil Nadu. Based on secondary data, it calculates the time cost, fuel cost and cost of emissions due to congestion and makes recommendations regarding the effective design and application of such a tax.

The absence of a clear articulation of low carbon funding requirements and an audit of low carbon investment at the sub-national level has encouraged this study. As a case in point, this study assesses the current status of the low carbon finance landscape in the State of Tamil Nadu.

This WRI working paper provides an overview of these and other existing national policies, as well as policies under development, that are likely to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in India.

The purpose of this study by Centre for Development Finance is to develop financing strategies that would assist the Central and State Governments in implementing the State Action Plans on Climate Change (SAPCC) in an effective and efficient manner.

Greenhouse gases (GHGs) and other pollutants are negative externalities imposing an external cost on the entire society and not just on the individuals who consume a certain product. Though India does not have an obligation to reduce the emissions of GHGs, it is important for Indian States to adopt a sustainable growth path.

This report compiles some case studies of developmental projects in India that have been affected by environmental and social impacts arising out of the project activities.The acts and regulations governing the environmental and social aspects of project finance deals in India are elaborate and clear.

The project, “Developing Financing Strategies for Implementing the State Action Plans on Climate Change,” aims at developing strategies to raise funds in order to assist the Central and State Governments in India to implement the State Action Plans on Climate Change (SAPCC) in an effective and efficient manner.

Project finance deals have to reckon with environmental and related issues too.
In the last decade or so, a number of companies or projects in India have either been shut down temporarily or permanently, or have been heavily penalised as a result of adverse environmental and social impacts.

Some of the projects highlighted in the news recently include Lavasa Housing, Vedanta Aluminium, Dhamra