Prosperity of a nation depends on the status and development of its women more, as women not only constitute nearly one third of its human resource population but also influence the growth of remaining two third of the human resource. Realizing the importance of farm-women, from Ist to Vth plan, for the development of women, Govt.

Ber (Ziziphus mauritiana) is an important indigenous fruit. The farmers of western Rajasthan have adopted various commercial improved varities of ber at large scale. However, the attack of pests and diseases on ber/ber based cropping system is a major problem of ber growers. The low fertility level of the soil also have negative impact on progress of the above cropping system.

The cultivation of medicinal and aromatic crops provide sustainable means of natural source of high value industrial raw material for pharmaceutical, agri-chemical, food and cosmetic industries and opens up new possibilities for higher level of gains for farmer with a significant scope for progress in rural economy.

Most of the medicinal plants grow wild and are collected from forests. Hundreds, and possibly thousands, of plant species are being harvested by millions of poor rural population and used by millions around the world for treating a variety of illnesses.
The present study is based mainly on primary data collected from the farmers of Uttaranchal who have been cultivating some of the medicinal and aromatic crops.

The present study aimed to get an idea of the effect of fertilizer, pesticides, irrigation and HYV area and their role in increasing the foodgrain productivity in West Bengal. In this study various models are used to identify the relationship between yield and each modern input.

Agriculture in India is subject to variety of risks arising from rainfall aberrations, temperature fluctuations, hailstorms, cyclones, floods and climate change. These risks are exacerbated by price fluctuation, weak rural infrastructure, imperfect markets and lack of financial services including limited span and design of risk mitigation instruments such as credit and insurance.

Underlying objective of food security programme in India is to ensure the availability of foodgrains to the common people at an affordable price. The PDS system in India is based on the wheat and rice model, which in many areas were never the staple grains for household consumption. It was millets and pulses which were core to dryland farming and consumption in the country.

The study examines the performance and returns to Bt cotton vs Non-Bt cotton in the state of Maharashtra. The study has been undertaken at the request of Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India.

Aquatic vegetation is generally considered as nuisance plant communities which cause hindrance to aquaculture practice, resulting in the loss of aquaculture yields. Despite all these disadvantages, the importance of freshwater vegetation and their resources to human welfare can not be neglected rather invites attention too.

Sweet sorghum is a special type of sorghum which accumulates sugars in its stalks. The unique high carbon assimilation capability of sorghum crop coupled with another desirable trait of accumulating high levels of extractable sugars in the stalk can be exploited for extensive use of sorghum as raw material for manufacturing ethanol, jaggery, syrup and paper.However, with the ever increasing demand for industrial and fuel-grade ethanol, the scope of using sweet sorghum in ethanol industry as a supplementary raw material to sugarcane molasses is catching up.
