The Directorate of Economics and Statistics, MOA, GOI asked the Agro-Economic Research Centre, Vallabh Vidyanagar to undertake a study to assess the economics and other impact of Bt cotton vs. non Bt cotton using field data. Two districts namely, Rajkot and Vadodara having different agro climatic location and having notable acreage under Bt. cotton were selected purposively.

The National Sample Survey Organization notes that in 2003, marginal and small farmers constituted 90.4 per cent of all farmers in India, but held only 43.4 per cent of land. The study was undertaken in Anand district of central Gujarat during September 2007.

Agriculture holdings in Jammu and Kashmir like the rest of country are found in many parcels dispersed in several places all over the village and even sometimes beyond village boundaries. Parcelization of holdings is considered as negatively correlated to productivity. It hampers full and proper utilization of land.

Fisheries form a major source of employment, income and livelihood for most of the people inhabiting the coastal region. Women in fisheries are in general labelled as imperceptible wokers as their contributions are not adequately apprehended and realized. Fishing in India is the main stay of men but women too play a major role in pre and post harvest activities.

Growing human population, rising per capital income and increasing urbanization are fuelling rapid growth in the demand for food and animal origin in developing countries. India possesses of the largest livestock populations in the world. Contrary to the large population of livestock in India productivity of Indian livestock is low compared to many developing countries.

The Government of India have introduced a comprehensive scheme of crop insurance throughout the country from Kharif 1985 season covering major crops viz., cereals, oilseeds and pulses. The impact of crop insurance scheme is more pertinent in the state like Gujarat as it alone accounts for almost 43 per cent of total claims.

India is a country with vast population having crossed over 110 crores mark and growing at alarming rate. It is yet another fact of concern that there has not been a proportionate increase in the production level of foodgrains in the country.

The North Eastern Region of India has a total geographical area of 26.23 million hectares with a population of 39.08 million. Agriculture is the main occupation of the people. Crop production in this region is carried out under diverse slopes and altitudes having different agro-climatic conditions.

Agricultural diversification is considered to be the most appropriate strategy that augments growth, stabilizes farm income especially of the small and marginal farmers, generates full employment, protects natural resources and attains the goals of food security.

Small farm holders dominate the agricultural landscape in India - provides largest source of subsistence but they still remain highly susceptible to poverty and hunger because neither they get sufficient food production nor income to ensure household food security.
