The EU’s energy chief is pushing for member states to formally adopt a new set of carbon reduction target ahead of UN climate talks later this year.

International donors are warning that the number of Ethiopians surviving on food assistance could double to 16m next month as some aid agencies criticise the government for downplaying the severity

BP is being sued for environmental damage that Colombian farmers allege the oil group caused to their land by building a pipeline.

Since 2008, Europe’s carbon market has shown symptoms of terminal decline. Rock bottom prices for allowances have given industry little incentive to diversify away from fossil fuels.

At a streetside kiosk in Isiolo, the price of camel bones for soup has jumped 250 per cent this year to 100 shillings ($1.10) a kilo, straining the pockets of many in the drought-hit eastern Kenyan

Voters in Indiana last week asked Barack Obama what his highest priorities would be in his "first 1,000 days in office". Ahead of universal healthcare and ending the Iraq war, the first item on Mr Obama's list was comprehensive energy reform.

Observers of the increasingly commuter-focused presidential debate in the US could be forgiven for thinking that the pain of high petrol prices has driven the issue of global warming off the political agenda.

Iraq on Monday invited foreign companies to bid for contracts developing eight of its oil and gas fields, launching a process that will let big international oil companies back into the country for the first time in more than 30 years. Hussein Shahristani, oil minister, said the six oilfields being offered for tender were the "backbone' of Iraq's industry, and hoped foreign investment would help lift output to 4.5m barrels per day by 2013, from 2.5m b/d today.

With prices of commercial and residential property falling, investors are increasingly turning to a more traditional asset: farmland. Long seen as a declining industry, farming has received a fillip in the last few months as global demand for food has increased. As a result, the cost of agricultural holdings across the European Union has risen to record levels.