The contribution of transmission access pricing in promoting renewable energy is akin to the role of a pit crew member in a Formula 1 race. It is out of the spotlight, but can make or break the outcome. This study attempts to refocus that spotlight onto the less-seen role transmission access pricing plays.

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) supports inclusive growth in the Asia and Pacific region by giving attention to the poverty impact and social dimensions of its operations.

This ADB study documents the transformation of value chains moving rice and potatoes between the farm gate and the consumer in Bangladesh, the People's Republic of China, and India.

The Asian Development Outlook supplement updates the economic forecasts of the Asian Development Outlook 2012 Update for the regional economies of developing Asia.

Asian cities need to change as they grow says this new ADB report and emphasises on "greening" of a number of urban infrastructure services such as urban transport, provision of water and sanitation services, waste management and energy sources for urban areas in the region.

This new report released by ADB analyzes potential fiscal and health, impacts of increasing cigarette taxes in China, India, Philippines, Thailand and Viet Nam. Proposes increasing taxes on tobacco products to bring down the consumption and prevent deaths.

This publication aims to present a step-by-step methodological approach to assist project teams assess and incorporate climate change adaptation measures into investment projects in agriculture, rural development, and food security.

The nature of agricultural development and the way food is produced, processed and sold is changing rapidly. Consumers increasingly want safe, higher value, and varied agricultural products.

This evaluation study assesses ADB’s response to natural disasters and disaster risks, and explores ways to improve ADB operations in these areas. It distinguishes between two broad categories of disaster-related operations—those in disaster prevention and those in disaster recovery.

The widespread adoption of compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs) have been advocated on the premise that it will result in significant savings in electricity and reduced carbon emissions.
