This paper investigates the effect of the Delhi Metro on air pollution within Delhi and finds strong evidence to show that it has resulted in reductions of two important vehicular emissions - nitrogen dioxide and carbon monoxide.

This publication provides a step-by-step methodological approach to help project teams assess and incorporate climate change adaptation measures into energy investment projects.

This book results from an international collaborative effort to explore and distil best practice approaches to flood risk management in challenging large scale and inter-related environments. Part A provides a historical perspective on the flood events that have shaped modern approaches.

This latest edition of Asian Development Outlook includes analysis of 45 economies in Asia & the Pacific including China and India. It features a special chapter on energy challenges which explores how the region can ensure adequate, accessible, clean energy to achieve its growth potential.

This new ADB report based on 43 case studies highlights how people work together to secure water for all through innovative approaches in basins.

Water security in Asia and the Pacific is under threat from many sources - population growth, urbanization, increasing water pollution, the over-abstraction of groundwater, water-related disasters and climate change warns this latest edition of the Asian Water Development Outlook.

Against a backdrop of increasing emission of greenhouse gases (GHGs) that are responsible for global climate change, the South Asia developing member countries (DMCs) of the Asian Development Bank have been witnessing a steady rise in fossil fuels and energy consumption and demand, keeping pace with their economic growth.

Strategy 2020 and Sustainable Transport Initiative of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) acknowledge prioritize the role of transport sector in climate change and vice-versa in transport.

Investing in Resilience: Ensuring a Disaster-Resistant Future focuses on the steps required to ensure that investment in disaster resilience happens and that it occurs as an integral, systematic part of development.

In March 2012, the Asian Development Bank (ADB) held the Subregional Workshop on Gender and Urban Poverty in South Asia to share experiences and enhance lateral learning among ADB and its project partners on addressing gender and social inclusion issues in urban development projects in Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, the Maldives, Nepal, and Sri Lank
