This Insight provides a brief introduction to the topic of tropical degradation, a summary of key results, and directions for future research and policy. The analysis reinforces the recent relevance of degradation in the Brazilian Amazon, and finds that there is a close relationship between degradation and deforestation.

This report sets the stage to explore the mandate and capacities of National Development Banks in accelerating financing for local governments’ climate-smart urban infrastructure. Infrastructure financing needs have been estimated at USD 4.1-4.3 trillion per year from 2015 to 2030.

This knowledge brief, produced in partnership with Sustainable Energy for All (SEforALL), proposes a new approach to identify and track cooling transactions, a first step toward understanding current finance commitments and acting on growing global needs for sustainable cooling solutions.

This study, jointly produced by Climate Policy Initiative and Vivid Economics maps the ‘greenness’ of these fiscal stimulus measures and their contribution towards country-level climate objectives.

This report provides an overview of the potential for climate finance, green finance and innovative finance to accelerate China’s decarbonization and support its transition to a green economy.

A world in which global crop yields fall by almost one-third, billions of people are left with insufficient water, and hundreds of millions in coastal cities are forced from their homes is not some dystopian fantasy. It is part of the stark reality facing our planet if do not collectively accelerate action on climate change.

Since 2011, Climate Policy Initiative (CPI) has produced The Global Landscape of Climate Finance series (the Landscape), which is the most comprehensive inventory of climate change investment available.

Rural credit provides essential financing for Brazilian agribusiness, with the amounts of credit established annually in government plans corresponding to nearly 30% of the total value of agricultural production in the country.

Rural credit provides essential financing for Brazilian agribusiness, with the amounts of credit established annually in government plans corresponding to nearly 30% of the total value of agricultural production in the country.

Cities and urban communities are highly vulnerable to climate change risks. The IPCC warns that projected climate change will result in significant urban climate risks including amplified heat waves, extreme weather volatility, floods, droughts, coastal inundation, and an increase in vector borne diseases (IPCC, 2014).
