With the Lok Sabha according its nod, Parliament today passed a crucial Bill ensuring equal rights to people affected by HIV and AIDS in getting treatment, admissions in educational institutions an

South Asia despite decreasing rates of infectious disease, accounts for a significant proportion of their global burden. The sub-continent is also in the midst of rapid economic growth; large scale changes in land use, access to water and sanitation, and agricultural production; environmental degradation; and technological transformation, all against a background of uneven health system capacity. South Asia, defined by the World Bank as Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka, is home to a quarter of the world’s population.

About 3,800 new cases of HIV infections have been recorded in Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) camps in Borno State, Barkindo Saidu, the Executive Secretary, Borno Agency for the Control of HIV/

Millions of Kenyan women and children dependent on health care funded by a UN agency face a bleak future.

Jalingo — A survey on HIV/AIDS transmission conducted by the Taraba State Agency for the Control of HIV/AIDS (TACA) has shown significant reduction in infection of the disease from 10.5 percent to

The deadly HIV is on the rise in Hyderabad and other parts of Telangana, with the capital city alone accounting for 33 per cent of HIV AIDS cases in the state.

Kenya Government will in April launch Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) for people aged 15 years and above. This comes hot in the heels of a similar move by the South African health ministry.

Pretoria – KwaZulu-Natal is on course to reach the target of 2.6 million people tested for HIV.

There is hope for over 37 million people infected with HIV globally after five people were reported to be virus-free after undergoing treatment.

Johanneburg - A new drug trial study launched in South Africa is targeting life-threatening diseases such as heart attacks and strokes in people living with HIV.
