There is no technical limitation at cement plants to increase the share of alternative fuels from 36% now to 95% EU-wide. In a recent study for Cembureau, Ecofys has investigated how the European cement industry could contribute to Europe’s waste-to-energy capacity.

By quarrying limestone hills for raw materials, cement companies are invariably destroying the only habitat of many snails, wiping out entire species at one go, conservationists allege.

Investments to the tune of more than Rs 10 lakh crore would be required in coal mining and allied sectors like power, steel and cement to achieve the target of 1.5 billion tonnes of coal production by 2019-20, according to a report.

Their prime concern is that the mining will damage the natural barrier against salinity ingress.

Three Indian cement makers have significantly reduced emissions among the top 12 producers of the building material in the world, a report revealed by Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) said on Thursd

UNION Minister for Tribal Affairs and Sundargarh Lok Sabha member Jual Oram on Wednesday said decks have been cleared for reopening of the defunct dolomite and limestone mines of SAIL at Purunapani

In compliance of the Order of the Hon’ble NGT, Central Pollution Control Board constituted a Committee comprising officials from MoEF & CC, BIS, CIPET, IIT Delhi and Associated Cement Company (ACC) for framing guidelines for the purpose of proper and appropriate disposal of SMC/FRP plastic waste.

Data transparency is key to accounting for how local governments and the private sector are contributing to global emissions reduction, say Angel Hsu and colleagues.

The National Green Tribunal today took exception over the Centre's delay in filing reply on a plea alleging that cement companies were violating its orders on overloading of trucks and causing air

Governance continues to be the strongest dimension of sustainability
