In October 2008, the World Bank Group (WBG) adopted the Strategic Framework on Development and Climate Change (SFDCC). The document was developed in consultation with, and endorsed by, governments of 185 member countries.
This paper focuses on adaptation planning efforts by both state and local governments. Many of these efforts are in their earliest stages. Some states are including adaptation within
the scope of their state Climate Action Plans addressing GHG emissions. A few others have recognized the need for separate and comprehensive adaptation commissions to parallel their
A draft of the South Asia Region Climate Change Strategy. Aimed at supporting the development priorities of south asian nations by addressing climate-change related risks and opportunities, focuses on adaptation and climate impacts on economic growth and poverty reduction.
A recent analytical report examining the multiple challenges that global climate change raises for the management of shared freshwater resources.Assesses the prospective risks to human security and explores how policies and institutions can evolve to ensure sustainable water supplies in a warming world.
A synthesis of observations from the international conference on Adaptation of Forests and Forest Management to Changing Climate with Emphasis on Forest Health, held in Ume
This document addresses the potential impacts of climatic change on the aquaculture sector and to a lesser extent the contribution of aquaculture to climate change. In order
to achieve these objectives, the status of this subsector in relation to the total food fish supply, recent changes therein and other related aspects are analysed with a view to