Agricultural producers, in particular the smallholder farmers of developing countries, are facing unprecedented challenges in the 21st century.

The negotiations held at the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change reveals there is a wide gap between the developed and developing nations which has threatened the equity related components of the Convention. It has been felt that there is a need to follow the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities (CBDR) that will serve as the medium for bringing about equality.

The fifth Brookings Blum Roundtable report, "Double Jeopardy: What the Climate Crisis Means for the Poor" focuses on two of the most pressing challenges for global policymakers: reducing global poverty and stabilizing the Earth's climate. Developed following in-depth discussions with leading experts from the climate change and development arenas, including former Vice President Al Gore and Dr.

Accounting for the existing and potential impact of the changing climate in decision making is rapidly becoming urgent for households and development agencies in vulnerable locations. Such an informed decision making, though desirable, requires in-depth awareness of the issue as well as availability of relevant information.

There's a new market growing in the United States, but unlike others trading in tangible commodities, this one trades in the absence of something that no one wants: greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. According to industry figures, the global markets for both voluntary offsets and those sold to meet compliance requirements are growing rapidly, and U.S.

Climate change is expected to have serious environmental, economic, and social impacts on South Africa. In particular, rural farmers, whose livelihoods depend on the use of natural resources, are likely to bear the brunt of adverse impacts. The extent to which these impacts are felt depends in large part on the extent of adaptation in response to climate change.

Pilot projects are being developed to transform the Convention

The purpose of this study is to provide an Indian civil society view on the contents of the Indian government

Rising air and water temperatures, decreasing ice cover, and shorter winters are some of the ecosystem trends predicted to continue in the Great Lakes region as a result of climate change.

A National Action Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC) has been drawn up by the government on realising the degree of dependency that India's masses and economy have on the climate. This is with the objective of best charting out India's adaption techniques to the changing climate as well as to enhance it's sustainability initiatives.
