This paper highlights the interlinkages between the water and energy sectors and points out the effects that climate change has on the provision of energy and water resources as well as providing guidance and inspiration for policy makers. Far from giving a pessimistic outlook on the energy future in the climate

Chief Minister Narendra Modi recently formed a new department of climate change. This demonstrates both foresight and courage on part of the
government, and the CM needs to be congratulated for this bold measure. Gujarat can show the world and, especially other developing countries, how we can be responsible global citizens.

The Clinton Climate Initiative says that cities produce 80 percent of the world

Rising temperatures could reverse the role forests play in mitigating climate change, turning them into net sources of greenhouse gases, reports a new assessment by the International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO).

This report contains separate assessments of climate policy in twelve of the major GHG emitting countries, covering government policy on mitigation, adaptation, technology transfer, and land use policies. The assessments cover the policy developments between 1st November 2008 and 20thFebruary 2009.

The economic benefits to society of investing in disaster risk management substantially exceed the costs. Appropriately designed risk reduction strategies represent a sound

This report seeks to inform critical questions with regard to policy mixes of investments in adaptation and mitigation, and how they might vary over time.

If fundamental climate change mitigation and adaptation goals are to be met, international climate negotiations must include agriculture.

Access to potable water, sanitation and water for irrigation is already a serious problem in the developing world, especially in the vast semi-arid regions of Central Asia and Africa, and is
expected to become even more serious as population growth and climate change exacerbates existing inadequate delivery systems and dysfunctional management institutions. The Millennium

Climate Literacy: The Essential Principles of Climate Science presents information that is deemed important for individuals and communities to know and understand about Earth
