India urged rich nations against applying a carbon tariff on steel and other imports, on the sidelines of UN climate talks in Bonn on Tuesday.

Both U.S. and European Union policymakers have considered penalising imports of products such as steel and cement, whose manufacture generates a lot of carbon emissions, from countries with softer climate policies.

This Press kit provides information on international Seminar on

environment Amelie Herenstein

This week the G-20 leaders met in London to discuss the global financial crisis, which is set to dominate the international agenda for some time. A parallel debate has been under way here in Bonn on another financial question, which affects an even greater systemic crisis: the funding required to tackle global climate change.

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) will prepare a Special Report on managing the risks of extreme events and disasters to advance climate change adaptation, to be released during the second half of 2011. This decision was taken by the IPCC at its recent 30th session, which convened from 21-23 April 2009, in Antalya, Turkey.

Intensive agriculture and excessive use of external inputs lead to degradation of soil, water and genetic resources. Widespread soil erosion, nutrient mining, depleting water table and eroding biodiversity are the global concern which are threatening the food security and livelihood opportunities of the farmers, especially the poor and underprivileged.

Organic agriculture, as an adaptation strategy to climate change and variability, is a concrete and promising option for rural communities and has additional potential as a mitigation strategy. This article is a short review of this topic.

This report highlights the arguments necessary to showcase the adaptive potential of pastoralism to climate change and to promote investment in pastoral areas in East Africa.

The need for developing countries to address issues of adapting to and mitigating climate change is both urgent and evident, as the impact of climate change grows daily. Yet they have competing immediate development and poverty reduction expenditure demands, and have recently been faced with food, fuel and financial crises.

A rapid transition towards a low-carbon economy is essential
to addressing the climate change challenge. The International
Energy Agency
