Heat stress at the workplace is an occupational health hazard that reduces labour productivity. Assessment of productivity loss resulting from climate change has so far been based on physiological models of heat exposure. These models suggest productivity may decrease by 11–27% by 2080 in hot regions such as Asia and the Caribbean, and globally by up to 20% in hot months by 20503. Using an approach derived from health economics, we describe self-reported estimates of work absenteeism and reductions in work performance caused by heat in Australia during 2013/2014.

Don't use universality and shared responsibilities for the environment as pretexts to kick away the ladder of development for the poor or to avoid responsibility for the global ecological havoc, In

Javadekar suggested the quick operationalisation of the Green Climate Fund which could pay the cost of making climate-friendly technologies

Where would you like to live, in Atlanta or Barcelona?

Rich countries yet to formally commit money though they made public commitments

India has emphasised inclusion of adaptation as a part of Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDC). For understanding adaptation requirements, we need to understand and value climate change impacts first. This preliminary assessment tries to estimate the cost of global climate change impacts for India.

What is the optimal instrument design and choice for a regulator attempting to control emissions by private agents in face of uncertainty arising from business cycles? In applying Weitzman's result [Prices vs.

New global compact to be finalised next Dec must be balanced: quartet

Sending a strong signal to rich nations that India will not dilute its position while negotiating for a climate deal, India has told the UN Climate Summit that it was the West's fossil fuelled mode

A report by the UN ECLAC calculates that, in a 2.5°C temperature rise scenario, the economic costs of climate change will equal approximately 2.5% of the region's annual gross domestic product (GDP).
