THE resurgence of malaria in some Asian and African countries has become a matter of concern for governments and doctors, as the disease and the mosquitoes that carry it are increasingly developing resistance to the traditional methods of control. Reports from Brazil and South-East Asia, in particular, show that insecticides like DDT no longer work, and some of the bacteria which mosquitoes inject into the patients' blood have become immune to drugs like chloroquine. So the number of deaths and debilitations caused by malaria has been on the rise in some third world countries.

Upgradation of moral values, raising mass awareness, and formulation of proper laws and their strict implementation are the imperatives to check food adulteration in the country, said the speakers at a seminar yesterday. They urged the government to take punitive actions against those involved in the production and sale of adulterated food and run the anti-adulteration drive frequently to save the nation from ruin.

The government should reintroduce banned DDT insecticide as a preventive tool to halt the spread of

The pesticide DDT, banned decades ago in much of the world, still shows up in penguins in Antarctica, probably due to the chemical's accumulation in melting glaciers, a sea bird expert said on Friday. Adelie penguins, known for their waddling gait and a habit of nesting on stones, have long shown evidence of DDT in their fatty tissues, although not in enough concentration to hurt the birds, according to Heidi Geisz of the Virginia Institute of Marine Science.

fuel efficient: South Korea will soon become the first nation to set a national greenhouse gas emissions target, though the country is not obliged to make mandatory emission reductions under the

The ground water quality of the 14 Metropolitan Cities of Faridabad, Delhi, Jaipur, Bhopal, Indore, Jabalpur, Nagpur, Nasik, Pune, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Vishakhapatnam, Patna and Kochi has been assessed to see the suitability of ground water for domestic and irrigation applications. Twenty five ground water samples were collected each during pre- and post-monsoon seasons in the year 2004 and analysed for various physico-chemical and bacteriological parameters, heavy metals, pesticides and polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons.

A study was conducted in Eloor Industrial Area of Ernakulam district of Kerala to assess the level of environmental pollution by pesticide manufacturing factories in this region. Samples like blood, urine, dung and milk were collected from cattle belonging to this area and were analysed for DDT residues using the Gas Liquid Chromatography.

A study done by Icra has said that though chemical pesticides have contributed to India's growing food production, they have also paved the way for serious outbreaks of pests and diseases as well as

it is believed that women who grow up on farms have a strong immunity and face a lower risk of allergies than those who don't grow up on farms. A study has found that farm women may be at a

red - brown speckles on bird-eggs can reveal presence of the insecticide ddt in the environment. A study from the Oxford and Cardiff universities on the eggs of raptors
