Flash floods, wildfires and heatwaves brought on by climate change could test Europe's ability to insure against and respond to natural disasters, a new report warns.

Flooding of the Nile Delta and further desertification of north Africa could also unleash a wave of migrants from Europe's southern neighbours, said delegates at the launch of the European Union-backed ADAM report.

This paper investigates the chain of interactions between climatic change, drought condition and food production in Nigeria. The paper relied mainly on secondary data that were generated through the analysis of relevant data from government and non-governmental agencies. From these sources, both quantitative and qualitative information were collected depending on the immediate importance.

CLIMATE change is 'largely irreversible' for the next 1,000 years even if carbon dioxide emissions could be abruptly halted, according to a new study led by the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). The study's authors said there was 'no going back' after the report showed this, AFP news agency reported from Washington.

RE-EXCAVATION of derelict ponds and canals will bring economic and health benefits to the people making way for the utilisation of old wisdom and indigenous knowledge and technologies on water management. A recent study on the potentials of the water bodies in the Barind area of the country called for immediate reclamation of ponds and canals for conservation of surface water for diverse uses.

Without forests to pump moisture around the planet, would the continents turn to desert? A new theory suggests they might.

Experts at a discussion here yesterday stated that massive siltation of the Padma river and its tributaries have triggered the flood tendency during the monsoon in the region.

Terming the monsoon flood as the main natural calamity in the region they said many people become victim of the disaster every year.

Countries like Spain are facing desertification. India is not too far behind, writes Kirtiman Awasthi

Winemakers in Spain could soon find themselves scrambling for juicy red grapes. People may also find olives and cheese missing from their salad plates.

This study, conducted with the appreciated and committed participation of the UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food, Mr Jean Ziegler, illustrates, in the context of the 16th and 17th
session of the United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development, how human rights can and must be mainstreamed in sustainable development issues. It contains a reflection offered

A new concept,

A rich country hit by the socio-economics of desertification winemakers in Spain could soon find themselves scrambling for juicy red grapes. People may also find olives and cheese missing from their salad plates. The olive and grape farms that thrived in the balmy Mediterranean could become relics of the past with countries like Spain facing the prospect of desertification. Almost
