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The report draws together an evidence base that demonstrates beyond question the need for enhanced governance coordination between terrestrial activities and marine resources.

The COVID19 pandemic is having immense effects on societies across the world. It has caused millions of deaths worldwide and challenged our health systems and economies. The pandemic - and responses to it, involving lockdowns, use of personal protection equipment, and stay-at-home measures - has far reaching health and economic consequences.

The objective of this assessment is to provide an overview of good practices that have emerged in relation to the implementation, protection and promotion of procedural access rights to enable the right to a safe, clean healthy and sustainable environment.

The Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change on June 16, 2021, has issued the Environment (Protection) Amendment Rules, 2021 to further amend the Environment (Protection) Rules, 1986.

The idea of a green campus movement is deceptively simple. Creating a green educational campus not only makes a tangible environmental difference, it also educates those who are directly involved—the staff and students on the campus—as well as others by creating living examples that can be replicated.

The COVID-19 pandemic is likely to influence Europe's transition towards more environmentally sustainable urbanisation patterns for years to come. European cities have been at the forefront of the crisis from the very beginning, not only bearing the worst impacts but also becoming key actors in advocating for a green and just recovery.

It is becoming increasingly clear that the complex and interrelated challenges of climate change, environmental degradation and rising inequality will not be solved without a fundamental transformation of our societies.

Oversight Committee Report in compliance of the National Green Tribunal order passed in Original Application No. 360/2018 in Re: Shree Nath Sharma Vs Union of India & Others dated 11/06/2021.

The matter related to compliance of directions for preparation of District Environment Plans (DEP) and finally National Environment Plan.

Small island developing States (SIDS) face an uphill battle as they strive to recover from the impact of the COVID-19 crisis amid vulnerabilities worsened by the pandemic.

The master plan is a roadmap for the future development of the city. It assesses the present condition of the city and works as a guideline to achieve the desired development.
