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Amid the international financial crisis, the United Nations Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO) has warned that falling food prices and reduced access to credit are likely to hit the agricultural production, threatening global food security.

Use of wastewater in urban agriculture is critical to farmers

floods Kosi breach yet to be plugged The breach in the Kosi embankment that caused the devastating flood in Bihar may not be plugged before March 2009. The deadline for completion of the work was in November, but the state government extended it by four months. Though the government did not cite any specific reason for this, media reports link the delay to non-availability of

Seed multinationals rush for patents SIX leading multinational seed companies, BASF, Monsanto, Syngenta, DuPont, Bayer and Dow, have claimed patent rights on seeds and knowledge designed to combat the impact of climate change in agriculture. They have filed 532 applications in various patent offices for such seeds and plant genomes. Monsanto and BASF have a us $1.5 billion

By Devinder Sharma

Outsourcing food production will leave behind a trail of hunger and food scarcity for the native populations.

THE global price of basic food commodities and products has increased rapidly over the past three years resulting in increased food insecurity. In Africa, for example, social cohesion, peace and stability, as well as the encouraging economic gains among others, are at risk.

This article examines the government of India

This agrofuel watch guideline is supposed to be applied for monitoring of the status of the right to food in the context of expansions of agro-fuel at community level. The study includes Case studies of Violations of Right to Food due to Agro-fuel Cultivation in India.



This conference will address the challenges posed by climate change on biodiversity and food security in relation to sustainable management. It envisages bringing policy planners and researchers from the South Asian region to a common platform to share knowledge and experience, so as to progress towards a sustainably developed society.
