Enable Block: 

Taking into consideration a petition filed against illegal axing of trees in Ludhiana, the National Green Tribunal vide order, March 17, 2023 directed the Principal Chief Conservator of Forests (HoFF), Punjab to look into the matter and take remedial action and file an action taken report to the court within two months.

A committee was constituted under the Chairmanship of Chief Conservator of Forest (Plains), Punjab. The committee submitted its report to the NGT, June 1, 2023.

The Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change introduced the Forest (Conservation) Amendment Bill, 2023 (“Bill”) in Lok Sabha on 29th March 2023, proposing amendments to the Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980 (“FCA”).

Order of the Supreme Court of India in the matter of In Re: T N Godavarman Thirumulpad Vs Union of India & Others dated 17/05/2023 regarding forest fires in the state of Uttarakhand.

The present application has been filed with the following prayers:

1. Permit the state government to maintain fire lines in forest areas in forests of Uttarakhand even if it ordains felling of green trees

The share of crops in the gross value of output of agriculture and allied sectors has declined by 7.5 percentage points in the last 10 years, while livestock’s share has increased by 5 percentage points during the same period, shows this report released by the National Statistical Office (NSO).

Factual/inspection report in compliance to the NGT order dated March 1, 2023 in the matter of Original Application No. 125/2023, News item published in Rashtriya Sahara dated February 3, 2023 titled "Podhon ka paa nahin, nirai godai main lakhon ka khel" (plants missing, game of lakhs in plantation). A media report said that in the name of plantation at Tikri range, district Gonda huge funds were being diverted in collusion with the forest officers.

Estimating emissions and removals from forest degradation is important, though challenging, for many countries. Where forest degradation is a major source of emissions, governments want to cover it when reporting on their mitigation efforts. However, estimating emissions from forest degradation is hard.

Inspection report on behalf of the Minor Irrigation Department in compliance with the National Green Tribunal order dated January 24, 2023.

An application was filed alleging dumping of waste and discharge of untreated sewage into the K. R. Puram Lake is situated in K R Puram lake, Hobli, Bengaluru east taluk, Bengaluru urban district, Karnataka. There was encroachment and laying of a road and pipeline and construction activities in the lake, the applicant said. The NGT directed the Minor Department to carry out a spot inspection and file a report with regard to the allegations.

Into the Blue: Securing a Sustainable Future for Kelp Forests global synthesis report is the most comprehensive knowledge review on kelp to date, revealing the state of science on the world’s kelp forests and providing recommended actions to build the recovery of the world’s kelp forests.

Decades of Mangrove Forest Change: What does it mean for nature, people and the climate? reviews the extent of mangrove forest cover and considers the potential consequences of changes in mangrove extent for more than 1,000 mangrove associated species including birds, fish, plants, mammals, reptiles and amphibians.

Environment Minister introduced the Forest (Conservation) Amendment Bill, 2023 in Lok Sabha on March 29, 2023 that seeks to bring clarity to the country's forest conservation law and exempt certain categories of lands from its purview to fast-track strategic and security-related projects of national importance.
