France plans to triple its onshore wind power capacity by 2030 and multiply by five its solar power generation, enabling it to boost the share of renewables in its energy mix to 40 percent, accordi

Poland expects its first nuclear power plant to start operating after 2030 as the country aims to cut its use of coal in producing electricity, Deputy Environment Minister Michal Kurtyka said.

In May 2019, representatives of 130 governments, including India, will be presented for discussion and possible approval of a global assessment report on biodiversity and ecosystem services since 2

Ministers from ten EU countries have urged the European Commission to chart a “credible and detailed” path towards net-zero emissions in 2050, ahead of the launch of a landmark climate strategy nex

More than 100 people were arrested during a week of action across the UK as protesters demanded the government treat climate change as a crisis.

Renewable methane could conceivably displace natural gas for use in existing vehicle fleets, reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions as well as emissions of air pollutants like NOx. It is important that policy makers assess the realistic potential for renewable methane.

Worldwide, the number of new cases of cancer was estimated in 2012 at more than 14 million, and cancer remains one of the leading causes of mortality in France. Among the environmental risk factors for cancer, there are concerns about exposure to different classes of pesticides, notably through occupational exposure.

Scuba divers found two people dead inside an upended car lolling on a beach after torrential rains wrought havoc along France's Riviera coast in the night of Wednesday-to-Thursday when flash floods

French minister of state for ecological and inclusive transition, Brune Poirson, is set to co-chair on Wednesday the first assembly of the International Solar Alliance (ISA).

Shifting to a healthy diet may not only boost your wellbeing, but also save a lot of precious fresh water, according to a study.
