This report aims to go beyond theoretical discussions to explore the practical implications of transitions research for policy and practice, building on the insights from past assessments.

A new paradigm for power sector reform emerged during the 1990s, under the influence of the Washington Consensus, and began to spread across the developing world.

Land Degradation Neutrality is a new way of approaching land degradation that acknowledges that land and land-based ecosystems are affected by global environmental change as well as by local land use practices.

This working paper provides a global analysis that explores how the climate actions contained in countries’ Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) connect to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Within a landscape of overlapping ecological, social and economic priorities, plans and programmes aim to balance land use dynamics to combine natural resource management with environmental and livelihood considerations. However, in striving to reach such a balance, people and local institutions are often excluded or forgotten.

Growing commercial interests, population growth and conservation initiatives are increasing competition for land in Tanzania. At the same time, land-related conflicts are on the rise. These trends undermine livelihoods by threatening rural people’s access to land and tenure security.

The 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals adopted in 2015 are a universal plan of action for humankind. Yet, four years after their adoption many countries are not yet on track to meeting the SDGs by 2030. Independent assessments by the OECD, SDSN, and others show that no country has achieved all SDGs.

The tenth edition of the Global Corruption Barometer (GCB) - Africa, reveals that 64% of South Africans surveyed think corruption increased in the previous 12 months. The survey, released by Transparency International in partnership with Afrobarometer, was conducted between the end of July and September 2018.

This report assesses all the positive potential benefits digitalization brings to sustainable development for all.

This feasibility study presents the structure and legal framework of a business design facility (the Facility) for clean energy projects in India. It addresses the urgent need for increasing the flow and affordability of private capital into clean energy markets in emerging economies.
