Industrial estates of Gujarat are cesspools of filth and environmental health hazards. Yet the government is blindly promoting industry

the Thames Water company was fined us $403,400 by a London court for allowing millions of litres of raw sewage and industrial chemicals to flow into the Thames before diverting it into

Hydrogenated fat, also called trans fatty acids, are used by the food industry to increase shelf life and flavour in a wide variety of products, including french fries, crackers, cookies and snack

An increasing number of studies and reports are indicting the Gujarat government for letting off polluting industries lightly. A recently-released report by the Indian People's Tribunal ( ipt )

Sihanoukville, in the southern part of the country, has become the dumping ground for trash from neighbouring countries. The flow of refuse - from electronic goods to car parts - continues with the

A simple cost-free way to reduce pain is to bring to mind a favourite sexual fantasy. Peter S Staats and his group at the University of Wisconsin, USA, suggest an entirely new approach to pain

Researchers say complete bedrest may not solve the problem of backache

Scientists track down the eight most critical factors which lead to suicides

nike's Shanghai branch is buying back 251 jerseys sold mostly in 1998 winter on the Chinese mainland because the garments carry a potentially harmful chemical. Of the total 251 tainted Nike soccer

the us energy department is abando
