Irrational drug combos flood market, but the regulator does little to remove them. Read this special report by Down To Earth.

Some commercial firms that oversee the ethics and scrutiny of clinical trials have been found wanting. Human volunteers in research deserve better. (Editorial)

Launched in 2008, the Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana provides financial protection from health shocks for poor households. This paper discusses findings from an experimental information and education campaign and household survey carried out in the first year of the programme in Delhi. First, the iec had no impact on enrolment, but households who were part of the household survey sample and therefore received information closer to the enrolment period were 60% more likely to enrol. Second, there is little evidence that the insurance company selectively enrolled healthier households.

Mortality from TB since 1990 was estimated for 213 countries using established methods endorsed by WHO. Mortality trends were estimated separately for people with and without human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection in accordance with the International classification of diseases. Lives saved by the DOTS/Stop TB Strategy were estimated with respect to the performance of TB control in 1995, the year that DOTS was introduced.

Bhutan recognizes health as a prerequisite for economic and spiritual development, poverty reduction and the road to Gross National Happiness. This policy re-emphasizes and recognizes the values of democracy, which is transparency and equity in the delivery of health services.

Pakistan’s Lady Health Workers’ programme has trained over 1,00,000 women to provide community health services in rural areas. Not only has the programme revitalised the primary health care system, it has also helped overcome the gendered division of public and private space that is a major obstacle to women’s access to basic services, including education, and employment opportunities. However, there are a number of shortcomings that need government intervention to ensure that it fulfils its aims.

A shortage of doctors in rural India cannot be resolved by casual announcements. (Editorial)

Sri Lanka will launch the first National Policy on HIV and AIDS in work places today, a Health Ministry spokesman said.

The Labour and Labour Relations Ministry and the Health Ministry have jointly implemented the policy which was officially endorsed by the Cabinet in December 2010.

The key feature of the national policy is prevention of new infections among workers.

"The policy expects t

After years of hype, controversy and disappointment, stem cell treatments may finally be poised to reach masses of patients.

By raising hell about newborn blood-spot screening, Twila Brase could jeopardize public-health programmes and derail research. The problem is, she has a point.

