Delhi has introduced an all-encompassing heat action plan aimed at shielding vulnerable communities during peak summer heatwaves. Among the measures outlined are adjustments to school schedules, reduction of non-essential water usage, continuous power supply to healthcare facilities, and daily assessments of at-risk areas.

The researchers document that extreme heat has an economically and statistically significant negative effect on economic growth in Latin America. Because extreme heat impacts physical and cognitive performance, heat waves could have a particularly large impact on economic activity.

The annual mean land surface air temperature averaged over India during 2022 was +0.51°C above the long-term average (1981-2010 period). The year 2022 was the fifth warmest year on record since nationwide records commenced in 1901.

Global action is urgently needed as series of extreme heatwaves in Pakistan wreak havoc on human rights, Amnesty International said in its new report ‘A Burning Emergency: Extreme heat and the right to health in Pakistan’.

This publication describes the problem of extreme heat and outlines specific, actionable guidance for short-term emergency response and long-term risk reduction.

Climate change is raising global temperatures and increasing the frequency, intensity and duration of heatwaves. Heat stress contributes to significant negative health outcomes, particularly for infants, children, pregnant women, the elderly, outdoor workers and other vulnerable people.

This policy brief evaluates the current state of the knowledge of and plans to manage urban heat in South Asia. First, the brief examines heat in South Asian cities through the different layers of the urban environment: buildings, communities, and cities.

HAPs are India’s primary policy response to economically damaging and life threatening heatwaves. They prescribe a variety of preparatory activities, disaster responses, and post-heatwave response measures across state, district, and city government departments to decrease the impact of heatwaves.

The climate is how the atmosphere behaves over a long period of time (typically defined as at least a 30-year period). Descriptions of the climate inform us about the average weather, as well as other aspects of weather patterns and distribution of meteorological parameters – including anomalous, rare and extreme events.

This issue of the titled “Building Adaptation and Resilience to Heat Waves,” presents the timely need for the mainstream implementation of adaptation strategies against extreme heat, especially in the sprawling urban cities of South Asia.
