M R Vishnu Prasad, 27, P Neena, 23, and C Shanuga, 22, stand on M G Road in Kochi on a Tuesday morning wearing green jackets with the word, "Greenpeace' written in white. They have booklets and green-coloured petitions which contain an appeal to coastal MPs to raise the point of global warming in an upcoming session of Parliament. "If present warming trends continue, there is a strong possibility that Kochi will be partially inundated in 2050,' says Vishnu.

The honeymoon is over for Mumbai Metro One Ltd, the entity that is to give the city the first phase of its Rs 19,500-crore, 146.5-km metro project. A PPP between Reliance Energy, the Mumbai Metropolitan Regional Development Authority (MMRDA) and an international company, it isn't exactly off the tracks, but there's serious bad weather building.

Effects of industrial effluents on germination, growth, protein content and metal accumulation patterns in Hibiscus esculentus L. were studied. Effluent from two factories in the industrial belt of Cochin, Kerala were used to soak the seeds for germination and to irrigate the seedlings in the field after physico-chemical analysis.

Cochin backwaters, a micro tidal estuary, undergo a charact