China and a bloc of developing nations on Monday accused rich countries of trying to kill off the Kyoto Protocol, the only international treaty in force that fights global warming.

Not many of the 100 heads of state who met in New York on 22 September will be around in 2050

UN Secretary-General Ban Kimoon said on Saturday negotiators had just 10 days left to secure a global climate deal and governments must not be hindered by domestic troubles.

The United Nations hopes to bring 190 governments together in early December in Copenhagen to finalise a deal on greenhouse gas emissions to replace provisions of the Kyoto Protocol expiring in 2012.

IT WOULD appear that India need not worry about being the

New Delhi: Differences between the rich and the developing countries have turned into entrenched battle lines at climate negotiations in Bangkok, with the EU backing the contentious proposal of the US to do away with the Kyoto Protocol


The rich countries need to cut greenhouse gas emissions 95 per cent by 2050, 40 per cent by 2020. So says the Alliance Of Small Island States (AOSIS), which recently joined forces with the Group Of Least Developed Countries (G-LDCs) in demands for further commitment under the Climate Convention and Kyoto Protocol.

Many countries that have made commitments under the Kyoto agreement will have problems meeting them. For most countries this will only be possible by resorting to

This paper has been written on the basis of UN climate change negotiation on AWG-LCA and AWG-KP that has held in Bangkok from 28 September to 9 October 2009. This analysis focuses the areas of discontents of the country Parties and urges for political decisions and commitment from all country Parties for a responsible deal in Copenhagen in December 2009.

After months of faltering and incremental progress on negotiating text, two months before the end of the two year process leading to the Copenhagen Climate Conference, 2009, diplomats in Bangkok finally started debating the substantive ideas underlying Parties
