Traditional medicine, based largely on herbs, still supports the primary healthcare of more people worldwide than


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Leh will be hosting the

The present study focuses on relationship between religion and medicine in context of social change among Brokpa, a distinctive cultural ethnic community nestled in central Ladakh on an offbeat track. The Brokpas of Dah-Bema are the one of the last remnants of an ancient and unique culture known generally under the

The Greater and Trans-Himalayan tracts are cold deserts that have severe seasonal and resource scarce environments. Covering the bulk of Indian Himalayas , they are a rich repository of biodiversity values and ecosystem services. The region has a large protected area (PA) network which has not been completely effective in conserving these unique values.

sea buckthorn, a shrub found in the cold desert regions of Himachal Pradesh and Jammu and Kashmir, is well-known as a storehouse of vitamins and for its cholesterol busting properties. The plant has been now been found to work wonders for the liver too. Its anti-oxidant rich leaves may ward off liver ailments

As wildlife 'activists' clash over ideology in the sad conservation politics of the country, far away in the cold desert of Ladakh, a village has decided to give away its premium grazing lands to save the endangered and magnificent Argali wild sheep, currently under grave threat because of rapid habitat loss.

Little-known mountain in Ladakh is the favourite of foreign mountaineers arriving in India A relatively little-known mountain peak in the Ladakh region, Stok Kangri, has been attracting a huge amount of attention in recent years and become the most sought-after destination for mountaineers wanting to climb a peak in India. Related Stories Tourism Ministry reclaims

Agriculture holdings in Jammu and Kashmir like the rest of country are found in many parcels dispersed in several places all over the village and even sometimes beyond village boundaries. Parcelization of holdings is considered as negatively correlated to productivity. It hampers full and proper utilization of land.
