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Savvy Soumya Misra And Kirtiman Awasthi India is on the verge of clearing its first genetically modified food crop, Bt brinjal, with several others in the pipeline. Does India need GM crops? Are they safe? How much does the consumer know? On January 14, a meeting happened in room 23 on the sixth floor of the Union environment ministry building in Delhi. On the ministry

New Delhi: The Wildlife Crime Control Bureau and the Tamil Nadu Forest Department, working with Wildlife Trust of India (WTI), on Sunday seized skins of a tiger and a leopard in Dindigul, Tamil Nadu. While one tiger was found dead in Pilibhit and another in Ranthambhore on April 4, a two-year-old tiger cub was found dead in Chandrapur near Tadoba tiger reserve, Maharashtra, on Monday.

As a part of national environment awareness campaign, a lecture-cum-workshop on,

Latha Jishnu / New Delhi April 4, 2009, 0:04 IST

Since 2006, procedures for assessing environmental damage have been watered down to an alarming degree.

DR MANMOHAN Singh is an honourable man. He is soft-spoken, decent and, unlike most Indian politicians, he did not seek high office to line his pockets with ill-gotten wealth. For that alone, we in India, who continue to suffer consistently at the hands of dark politicians who steal from us, should be eternally grateful.

BHUBANESWAR: As the rapid industrialisation process needs more and more mining activities, here is a warning from an eminent environmentalist. If we indiscriminately resort to mining without restraint, then perhaps there will be imbalance in nature and with the industrial pollution adding to it, might contribute towards more climate change factors.


The officially appointed Environmental Expert Committee under the Chairmanship of Dr. Devendra Pandey, Director, Forest Survey of India to review the studies, planning and implementation of environmental safeguards for Sardar Sarovar and Indira Sagar Projects has submitted its Interim Report to the Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF).

The North-east is slated to be India's 'future power house' with approximately 170 large hydroelectric projects to generate around 70,000 MW planned in the region. The large dams juggernaut promises to be the biggest 'development' intervention in this ecologically and geologically fragile, seismically active and culturally sensitive landscape in the days to come.
