
NASA is sorely disappointed with its European partners. The European Space Agency (ESA) appears to be dragging its feet over its proposed contribution to the setting up of an international space

The ongoing US-Russia joint space programme negotiations are progressing, quite literally, at lightspeed. The 2 countries are now shipping hardware to each other. The National Aeronautics and Space

Cyril Ponnamperuma's death leaves a void in the world's scientific community

For the victims of Alzheimer's disease, Japan's Eisai Co brings good tidings. It has teamed up with the American Pfizer Inc to develop a drug to treat the disease. The medicine, to be manufactured

The NASA Earth Radiation Budget Experiment (ERBE), flying aboard multiple satellites, is providing new insights into the climate system. Monthly averaged clear-sky and cloudy sky flux data derived from the ERBE are used to assess the impact of clouds on the Earth's radiation balance. This impact is examined in terms of three quantities: longwave,
shortwave, and net cloud forcing. Overall, clouds appear to cool the Earth-atmosphere system.

Rain, snow, hail, ice, and every slushy mix in between make up the precipitation that touches everyone on our planet. But not all places rain equally. Precipitation falls differently in different parts of the world, as you see in NASA's new video that captures every shower, every snow storm and every hurricane from August 4 to August 14, 2014. The GPM Core Observatory, co-led by NASA and the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), was launched on Feb 27, 2014, and provides advanced instruments that can see rain and falling snow all the way through the atmosphere.

Inventor K.R. Sridhar describes it as "the plug-and-play future of electricity." The Indian American Silicon Valley entrepreneur and former NASA scientist on Wednesday unveiled his "Bloom Box," which can generate energy by combining air and a range of fuels without going through the dirty process of combustion

clean energy Nuclear deal gets through With the International Atomic Energy Agency clearing India

Children in parts of Siberia near the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan are suffering serious health problems due to pollution caused by unburned rocket fuel. This fuel is sprayed by rockets launched

The world's first solar-powered aircraft, Helios, has made a world altitude record. It reached 24.7 km, five hours and 16 minutes after its launch from the us navy's Pacific Missile Range
