A pot experiment was conducted to study the toxic effect of nematicides: carbofuran, carbosulfan alone and their combination on soil microbial population and soil respiration with cotton as a test crop. The total bacterial population and free living diazotrophs population was reduced initially by nematicides application.

The present studies are based on the feedback provided by Punjab fish farmers practising composite fish culture of Indian major and exotic carps. According to them, during the southwest monsoon, in ponds in the vicinity of toxicant (monocrotophos)-treated paddy fields, the eye lens of most of the culturable fishes became opaque. As a result, there was drastic decrease in the acceptability of supplementary feed, resulting in poor overall growth both in weight and length.

Benin, a country on the western coast of Africa, has banned use of the pesticide endosulphan. The decision, taken in February this year, is based on the recommendations of a four-year study

Considering the stiff competition from various fruit producing countries, Indian growers have the great responsibility to keep the pesticide residue levels to the minimum to meet international standards. Various research organisations have developed integrated approaches to control pest and disease problems.

Pesticides are very expensive chemicals and require a lot of investment and research effort and thus their useful life needs to be prolonged through judicious use. Contrary to the opinion of many, it is now well established that pesticides have a definite role to play in pest management, as they offer the only means to combat damaging levels of pest incidence.

The Aral Sea in Central Asia was the fourth-largest lake on the planet in 1960. By 2007 it had shrunk to 10 percent of its original size. Widespread, wasteful irrigation of the deserts along the Amu and Syr rivers, which feed the Aral, cut the freshwater inflow to a trickle. Nevertheless, a dam built in 2005 has helped the northernmost lake expand quickly and drop substantially in salinity.

In Little League dugouts, community parks, professional athletic organizations, and international soccer leagues, on college campuses and neighborhood playgrounds, even in residential yards, the question being asked is "grass or plastic?' The debate is over synthetic turf, used to blanket lawns, park spaces, and athletic fields where children and adults relax and play; the questions are whether synthetic turf is safe for human and environmental health, and whether its advantages outweigh those of natural grass.

it is believed that women who grow up on farms have a strong immunity and face a lower risk of allergies than those who don't grow up on farms. A study has found that farm women may be at a

eleven peafowl found dead in Punjab were killed by food contaminated with pesticides. Nine peahens and two peacocks died in Ladhowal forest area near Ludhiana on December 26. The state forest

A model for the wetland part of KNP is presented and analyzed. Two-dimensional parameter scans suggest that this minimal model possesses dynamical complexities. Per capita availability of water to
