Germany has asked for discussion on deeper EU carbon emissions cuts to be put on the agenda at a meeting of environment ministers in June, EU sources said.

Germany has asked for discussion on deeper EU carbon emissions cuts to be put on the agenda at a meeting of environment ministers in June, EU sources said.

German utility RWE started construction of its fourth wind farm in Poland on Thursday as part of a renewable energy development plan, even though the government aims to cut the amount of state supp

Polish state-controlled power company PGE said it won permits to build three wind farm projects on the Baltic Sea with a combined potential capacity of 3.45 gigawatts, taking the lead in the develo

European Union ambassadors failed to resolve a dispute over the allocation of seats on the United Nations' Green Climate Fund (GCF) board on Friday, possibly undermining the bloc's credibility in i

European Union ambassadors failed to resolve a dispute over the allocation of seats on the United Nations' Green Climate Fund (GCF) board on Friday, possibly undermining the bloc's credibility in i

European Union ambassadors were due to meet on Wednesday in an effort to settle a dispute over the allocation of seats to member states on the United Nations' Green Climate Fund (GCF) board, source

Big business will prove an unexpected ally of the European Commission in pushing for firm policy to cut carbon after existing 2020 targets expire, as companies draw up their own plans for a future

Coal-reliant Poland on Friday vetoed European Union efforts to move further towards a low carbon economy, pitting itself against the rest of the 27-member bloc.

Drilling at Poland's first shale gas exploration well using the controversial technique known as fracking has not harmed the environment, according to a government study published on Friday.
